Publication date: 29/04/2024
Examining board:
Name | Role |
VÂNIA APARECIDA REZENDE | Examinador Externo |
Summary: Throughout the reviews that occur in the understanding of competencies, the need arises to
investigate this phenomenon in the context of group and collective practices within
organizations, in contrast to traditional approaches that prioritize the individual and
organizational dimension of competencies. From an interpretative theoretical perspective,
collective competencies are characterized by the influence of the organizational context and
social arrangements in which collective action overlaps with individual action, being marked
by a polysemy of concepts and methodologies. In the context of public administration in
Brazil, the perception of competencies is considered complex and there are few scientific
studies that seek to understand the phenomenon in its collective dimension. In this sense, the
present study focused on the FGP-Ifes (Fórum de Gestão de Pessoas) of Ifes (Instituto
Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo) and its main objective was to
analyze the articulation of collective competencies in the FGP-Ifes, through reports from
subjects who work in their work groups. The analysis revealed the possible collective
competencies of FGP-Ifes, highlighting the exchange of ideas, effective communication,
diversity of perspectives, commitment to collective work, the construction of interpersonal
relationships and the ability to establish consensus. However, some factors can hinder the
articulation of these skills, such as the lack of subjective commitment, resistance to divergent
opinions and communication problems. The main reflection of the study focuses on the
relationship between the results obtained in the field and the guiding policy on competencies
in public management. It could be seen that this relationship is permeated by differences that
arise from a possible coexistence of functionalist and interpretivist approaches to
competencies in organizational practice. As a main contribution, the study raises the
possibility of innovating in the application of the PNDP (Política Nacional de
Desenvolvimento de Pessoas), suggesting a broader and more interpretative approach. In
this way, the importance of considering collective competencies in public management is
highlighted, in addition to proposing flexibility and adaptation to emerging work needs.