General Information
The Postgraduate Program in Management at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) is guided by principles of flexibility, innovation, agility and consistency in their curricular proposal and in the learning strategies focused on the management of public and private organizations, research and academic training. Through a wide range of methods, approaches and topics, the program has been offering a Master’s degree since 2000 and doctoral and postdoctoral degrees since 2014 and 2015, respectively. The program has achieved high scoring results in the assessment by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), the Brazilian official accreditation agency for postgraduate programs.
About Us
The Postgraduate Program in Management (PPGAdm) offers high quality postgraduate education and comprehensive research on management for students from different academic and professional backgrounds (managers, sociologists, engineers, political scientists, teachers, economists, anthropologists, social communicators, philosophers, accountants, historians, pedagogues, psychologists, among others). We support advanced academic research with a progressive interdisciplinary approach while preparing professionals for both secondary and higher academic and management positions.
The broad spectrum of academic opportunities for research and publishing is further supported by five solid Research Centers that PPGAdm comprises, namely, Group of Studies about Power in Organizations (GEPO); Nucleus of Studies in Management Technologies and Subjectivities (NETES); Nucleus of Studies in Technologies and Organizational Processes (TecPrO); Study Group on Symbolisms and Daily Practices in Organizations (GESIP); and Research Group Strategy and Organizational Complexity.
Lines of Research
The Postgraduate Program in Management offers three distinct lines of research, one of which must be chosen upon admission:
- Strategy, innovation and organizational performance;
- Organizations and Work;
- Organizational and Cultural Practices.
The program is based in Vitória-ES, offering the course of Doctorete Degree since 2002 and has an academic qualification profile certified by CAPES, receiving 4 on its last evaluation.
The program already has 300 masters and 45 doctors and counts with 55 students regularly enrolled, being 28 in the masters and 27 in the doctorate.