Between Food And ... Fuleragem? An Ethnography at the Handicrafts and Arts Fair of the Square of Valentine's Day

Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 23/03/2016

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Examining board:

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ALEXANDRE REIS ROSA Internal Examiner *

Summary: This study had its goal set on understanding the symbolic aspects related to the craft and art fair space at Praça dos Namorados, through the perspectives of passers-by and exhibitors sharing the site. Therefore, the author develop interpretations about the dynamics of the symbolic aspects through the perspectives apprehended, which made the fair what it is today. In the intent of completing this task, an exploratory investigation was initially developed to support the expanding of the overlook of the chosen locus, enabling the identification of relevant issues to exhibitors and passers-by. In this stage, the change layout of the fair rose as the focus of the study, which has changed the appropriation of the physical space of the fair as well as the notion of symbolic space among people who share that site. In order to continue and complete this qualitative study, the author chose to use the ethnographic method. The apprehension of field data occurred through systematic and participant observation, the usage of field diaries, in-depth interviews with city Hall representatives and semi-structured interviews with passers-by. The period of time spent on field research was comprehended between May and October of 2015, in which the researcher participated in the organizational routine of exhibitors, resulting in 40 field diaries. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis, developed from emic categories, primarily classified into six thematic categories and then linked to the three theoretical categories of space proposed by Lefebvre. The results point towards a fair that is constantly changing, which as a social phenomenon, cannot be understood if isolated from others. It could only make sense when seen as a symbolic space constantly reframing, from everyday life experiences of that people. Thus, it would also make new understandings possible, both in theoretical and conceptual perspectives, for studies that seek the comprehension of social and organizational phenomena existent in all the spaces of the cities.

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