"SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: A Critical Approach from the Case Study in a Pharmaceutical Sector Company in Vitória"
Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 11/02/2005
Summary: Nowadays, social responsibility is a subject very common in the speeches of a lot of enterprises and in the studies of theorics of administration and of several areas of human knowledge, like economy, philosophy and sociology. This work presents a panoramic study about the theme, showing, at first, the differents concepts and motivations for its adoption and, after, presenting a narrative about the debit of capitalistic enterprises with the society and the environment. It brings the meanly tools which the enterprises use to express theirs social responsiveness and, by the other side, a lot of critics that the market points against the models created by itself to social responsibility gestion. It elaborates a study of case in a little enterprise based on the Great Vitória, recognized by the local community as socially responsible. Its general objective is developing a critical analysis about social responsibility supported by the enterprise practices and, more specifically, to verify which are the social responsibility conceptions today, to analyze if that practices are agree or not with the theory and verify which aspects are involved in a social responsiveness propose by the enterprise.