Preventive Actions of Violence: An Analysis of the Integrated Citizenship Center of Vitória in the Light of Production Models Theory.

Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 23/05/2005

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Summary: With this research it was intended to identify the organizational and service operations management models that exist on the Centro Integrado de Cidadania de Vitória (CIC-Vitória) and compare these with another one theoretically built from propositions of focal groups and in-depth interviews. The investigation was a qualitative research that involved not only the researcher, but also professionals from the service units of the CIC-Vitória and specialists in the thematic areas investigated. This dissertation was initiated with an analysis of the violence in the Grande Vitória region, a background in which the dissertation was developed, and from which was constructed the actual model, based on the analysis of the organizational scenario in more than 20 federal, state and municipal institutions, interaction with private business and direct work with services to citizens. These services, therefore, WHERE analyzed with the governmental indexes that originated their conception and, subsequently, were categorized in accord with the main classifications of the specific literature and, on a third moment, debated as belonging to the production process initiated by the client-citizen. The construction of a theoretical model began with the implementation of focus groups and in-depth interviews and followed with a discourse analysis, which resulted on an analysis of identified propositions that generated the model. Moreover, it made possible the verification of the proximity or distance of this model in relation to the current one. The results indicated that, while the current model is focused on the operational-structural aspect, situated inside the CIC-Vitória, the ideal model points toward the necessity of the construction of an communication channel with the client-citizen that contemplates not only his access to the CIC but the CIC actuation in his habitat, as a presence on the communities. It was concluded that the incorporation of these perspective to the current model makes more effective the actuation of the CIC-Vitória as a social action to prevent violence.

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