Constitutions of Subjects in Social Consumer Relations: a Study of Publicity Pieces in the Banking Sector.

Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 29/03/2007

Summary: The increasing of influence power of the new capital apparatus as a life-style productors comes consecrating around the world as one of the historical phenomenons that, in some way, consolidates the marketing role in the constitution of desires and subjectivities of modern consumers. Everyday more, the enterprises create some kind of mechanism to approaching of their target people and the use of publicity is almost mandatory thing when we talk about consumers reaching and persuating strategies. The present work treats of marketing and some of it´s manifestations, in the refering of it´s influency in stimulation of desires and necessities. For this, makes a study of the announcer enterprises conception about the bancary services consumers behaviour in the light of a specific theoric reference and a qualitative empiric research, that proceed an analysis of publicitary field piece in the consumption relationship. The work compreending the following phases: exposure of research problem, objectives and relevancy of study; a theory survey that helps in the discussion of constitutive elements; consideration of used metodologic aspects; description and analysis of research object, and; relate and avaliation of obtained results. This last phase look give to work some considerations about the proposition significancy to the Management field, in sense of how we can perceive the influency attempt of publicitary appeal in the shift of consumption behaviour patterns.

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