The changes promoted by social media in relationship marketing: a multi-case study.

Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 12/04/2018

Examining board:

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MARCELO MOLL BRANDÃO Internal Examiner *

Summary: This study aimed to identify the changes that social media has caused in the relationship marketing of fashion retailers, identifying elements - be it financial, strategic, procedure or customer satisfaction - that have undergone some change within the organization due to their insertion into the social media and the practice of relationship marketing in their. Known for practicing relationship marketing in their traditional fashion, fashion retailers - popularly known as "department stores" - have had to adapt to this practice and fit the new world of social media. Therefore, the present study investigated the changes that the organizations of this sector suffered with this transition. To meet this objective, an exploratory methodology was adopted - due to the lack of studies with this perspective - of a qualitative nature. The study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with the managers of the company-case and their respective clients, non-participant observation of the social media of each company studied, in addition to materials collected with the company through documentary research, resulting, from this way, in a methodological triangulation. From the preparation of a multi-case study with two companies of different sizes in the fashion retail sector, the data collected through the Content Analysis technique was analyzed. As a result, it was noticied that companies, through social media, have access to a large volume of data, with an target public willing to interact and relate, finding information more quickly on platforms conducive to the practice of relationship marketing. In relation to the changes provided in practice, companies, through the use of social media, get to know their customers better, identifying those most likely to relate; can provide an ideal environment to establish a relationship with the client; interact in different ways, attracting the customer's attention; and can customize the offers with the tools offered by social media. These changes enable companies to plan and execute their strategies more effectively with customers.

Keywords: Relationship Marketing. On-line Relationship Marketing. Social Media.

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