MSc Dissertation (by research)

Student Title Defense datesort ascending
THAIS ROBERTA CORRÊA VIEIRA Behavioral Finance: A Study on the Investor Profile, the Extreme Aversion Effect and the Excess of Confidence in Investment Decisions. 03/07/2012
LEANDRO VIANNA SILVA SOUZA Political Awareness and Participation in the Participatory Budget of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim in the 2009-2012 Period 27/06/2012
IORRANA FIORETI DE MENEZES PUPA The uses of the beauty salon: beyond the consumption of aesthetics or about possibilities of self-invention 13/06/2012
RODRIGO CORRÊA KUYUMJIAN An analysis of local development: social entrepreneurship in the Jaburu hill - Vitória (ES) 30/05/2012
CHARLENE SALES BICALHO Beyond the surface: impacts of the development of modernity in the artisanal fishing of Augusta Regency - ES 29/05/2012
VIVIANE ZANDONADE The thematic of competences inserted in the world of the capitalist work: a study of the labor relations in a food industry 25/05/2012
LUANA PAULA PEIXOTO AGLIO DOS PASSOS Specialized consumers: consumer trends and the sale of cosmetics 25/04/2012
RAFAEL BARBOSA MARIANO Unveiling the Dentist-Patient Relationship: An Ergonomic Approach Beyond the Tooling 20/04/2012
ADELSON PEREIRA DO NASCIMENTO Maturity Assessment of Supplier Quality Management Systems and Possible Impacts on their Performance Results 30/03/2012
MAÍRA POLETO CARNEIRO "Youth and Student Movement: the Precarious Work of the Ufist Scholars Students" 08/12/2011
DANIELE DO CARMO BALDNER Stigma and Professional Activity: A Look at the Process of Professionalizing the Profession of Sex 08/11/2011
ALCY MARTINS FERREIRA JÚNIOR Factors Affecting Cachaça Consumption 26/08/2011
SOLANGE VIANNA DALL ORTO MARQUES Notion of Skills and Work in a Brazilian Public University: A Study with Secretaries of Teaching, Research and Extension Department. 25/08/2011
FLAVIA SALLES NUNES PEREIRA Catholic Ethics and Work Culture: A Reflection on Italian Immigration in the State of Espírito Santo 22/08/2011
GABRIELA DE BRITO MARTINS SANTOS "Skills in Focus: Management with People from the Optics of the Marble and Granite Sector Workers" 12/08/2011
DANIEL LANNA PEIXOTO Everyday Strategies and Tactics: A Study on the Senses of Social Practices and their Influences in the Making of a Free Trade Show 28/06/2011
MANOEL FERNANDES NERY "Precarious Work in the Federal Public Sector: The Situation of Outsourced Workers in Three Federal Universities in Three States of the Southeast Region" 28/06/2011
INGRID DIAS BARRETO ANDRÉ Flammable Transience: Subjective Sense of Work Participation 19/05/2011
ROBERTA ALVARENGA DE ALMEIDA VARGAS Fragments of the Daily Life of the Managerial Action in a School of the Municipal Network of Vitória (ES) 16/05/2011
RODOLPHO ÉMERSON SILVA DE VASCONCELLOS "The Dissemination of Local Public Policies of Solidarity Economy in Brazil: the Case of Manaus". 25/03/2011
MARCOS ALOIZIO FRANÇA DA FONSECA CULTURE, CONSUMPTION AND DIFFERENCE: a study with a group of deaf people from Vitória-ES 03/08/2010
ANTONIO MARCOS DE SOUZA REIS The Implantation of New Public Management in the Government of the State of Espírito Santo: A Case Study of PRÓ-MANAGEMENT 14/07/2010
EMERSON SCHEIDEGGER Geographic Information System and Spatial Analysis: Its Role in Municipal Public Administration 14/07/2010
OLENICE AMORIM GONÇALVES Management by Competencies as an Alternative to the Remuneration of the Work: Empirical Study in a Large-scale Mining Company in the ES. 12/07/2010
ALMIR DA CRUZ SOUSA Interorganizational Relationships: Multiple Case Studies in the Context of a Horizontal Network of the Retail Sector 30/06/2010
MARIANA GALVÃO LYRA "Knowledge Sharing in Inter-organizational Relations: Analysis of Cases of Partnerships of an Energy Multinational with University and NGOs in Espírito Santo" 29/06/2010
MARCELO ZANDOMINGUE MONTI "Italian Culture and Social Capital in the Road Transport Sector of Iconha Loads -ES" 31/05/2010
ROBERTA CALDAS SIMÕES Natural Beauty, Virtual Community and Actors 26/04/2010
ROGÉRIO ZANON DA SILVEIRA Life on the Farm: Subjective Sense of the Fazendary Server in front of the Participation in the Work. 31/03/2010
FÁBIO MARTINS DE OLIVEIRA An Analysis of the Autonomy in the Work of the Tax Auditors of the Brazilian Federal Revenue, in the Fiscalization Sector of the Internal Revenue Service in Vitória-ES 12/03/2010


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